Mesotherapy is a procedure used for weight loss and body sculpting to reduce, eliminate and contour specific undesired fat pockets. This method targets the receptors on fat cells that produce lipogenesis (fat production) and lipolysis (fat breakdown). Receptors that break down fat are known as beta receptors; those that create fat are alpha receptors. Alpha receptors are stimulated to produce fat when you ingest food containing carbohydrates, fat, amino acids, hormones or alcohol.
In women body, the ratio of alpha to beta receptors is generally 1:1 - above the waist. Below the waist, women have approximately 6 to 8 alpha receptors for every single beta receptor. This is the main reason women have trouble losing fat in their abdomens, buttocks and thighs: their bodies are designed to retain fat in those areas.
A medical history and physical examination is required prior to receiving treatment for weight loss and body sculpting. Based on individual requirements, we then select a formula consisting of several medications that block alpha receptors and stimulate the beta receptors. Once injected into the skin, the formula slowly diffuses into the fat, and breaks it down. The number of weight loss and body sculpting treatments required varies from person to person.