We’re pleased to offer the most recent advancement in laser treatment for anyone desiring a comfortable, effective way to remove unwanted hair. With a gentle beam of laser light, we can help you solve your problem of undesirable hair. The treatment is relatively quick and will remove the unwelcome hair without damaging the surrounding skin. Hair-free skin can restore the more attractive appearance you desire and you will rediscover the beauty and confidence you deserve.
About Our Laser
Centre Chreim Laser systems uses the best technology currently available for hair removal, offering outstanding results for a variety of skin tones (Laser Canadian Technology - auto cooling). Our laser is safe and effective with a minimum of pain, inconvenience and no side effects.
What Should I Expect?
Once the treatment is complete, you will be free to return to your normal routine immediately. It is always recommended to avoid sun exposure or to use sunscreen following the laser treatment.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?
The number of treatments required to obtain optimum results varies with hair density, hair color, skin type, the treatment area and your hair growth cycle. The density of your hair and its growth cycle may be affected by many things, such as your age, ethnic background, hormones or medication. Statistically, most people achieve satisfactory clearance with 5-6 treatment sessions.